Saturday, February 25, 2012

Studying a Softball-sized Snail with a Pregnant Foot

Snails living on and around hydrothermal chimneys in complete darkness provide excellent material for startling scientific discoveries (Photo taken by ROV Jason II, Dr. Charles Fisher, Chief Scientist)

By Kyle Reynolds, Benthic Ecology Lab
   Can you imagine being pregnant in your foot?  That’s just one of the fascinating things I discovered about the snail species I studied for my thesis.  I studied animals at hydrothermal vents (seafloor volcanoes) and the adaptations they’ve made that help them cope with their harsh environments.  Specifically, I looked at two species of snails thatlive about 1.5 miles deep in the southwestern Pacific at a hydrothermal vent system near Tonga and Fiji.

    These snails get as big as softballs when full-grown and have evolved many ways to deal with life in a chemically toxic volcanic world.  My thesis focused mainly on reproductive adaptations, and I was able to find many of those.  Not only have they wrapped their larvae in protective coatings, they also house them for a short time in a pouch in their foot!  Like I said – pregnant in your foot!

Hangin' at the vent: These black snails and a variety of neighbors make a living in a harsh environment (Photo taken by ROV Jason II, Dr. Charles Fisher, Chief Scientist)


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